Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The finally gave a diagnosis of what has been giving Jett all of the recent problems. It is a virus called RSV ( respitory syncytial virus ). The only reason they found out what the problem was is because @ 6:15 pm they coded and bagged him. After that they ran a viral test and found out almost immediately that it was RSV. The hospital messed up big time after he coded, they didn't call Liz or me. The way we found out is at 12am when i called the nurse to see how he was doing, she told us. As you can imagine i raised holy hell because we were not informed of what happened. i made it known that if he so much as burps too loud that we are called or i will make sure someone is punished. The GI doctor also gave us some bad news about his intestines. We were told after his first surgery that 1/3 of his small intestine was removed by the surgeon. However today the GI doctor thinks that a lot more was removed and that is very bad for the absoration of food and vitamins. The most frustrating thing is that they cant be sure he is missing more than 1/3 or how bad he will be effected. They wont know anything until they reconnect his intestines. The only good thing from that is he will be able to come home until he gets put back together.


  1. I am so sorry to hear of your frustrations with the doctors and unanswered questions. I have heard many babies who have RSV...in fact one of our good friends infants just had it and at least they know what it is. On the positive side, he will be able to come home for a bit and I know the love and environment of the Socie house will help heal him even more!!!
    Wieckowski family

  2. Hey Liz and PJ I just caught up on the blog--this is so great that you have this to keep us all informed. We're all praying for Jett--even Dominic prays for him each night. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

  3. I am glad to hear he is better and they found the cause.
    Love you

  4. Liz & Pj
    I am so sorry you guys are going through this and that the hospital didn't call you.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers daily
    Love you
