Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27th

The past few days have been somewhat uneventful. Jett has not been able to increase his oral intake due to the amount of undigested milk he is pooping out. This is expected because he only has a limited surface area that actually absorbs the nutrients before it exits his body. He has been receiving the medication to break-up the blockages in his lower intestines which seems to be working. Last night he weighed 9 lbs...he is a chunky monkey that boy! I was able to give him a sponge bath yesterday and have continued to nurse him once a day. He is such a sweet little guy and he thanks you all for your prayers! Pictures to come.....

Oh....Jace's soccer game followed suit with the last practice and game. His shoes and cleats were removed probably within 10-15 minutes into the game. When he did play, he stayed far from the ball and the other players. It was a great laugh!!!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys are doing great! I would love to see pictures of Jace at soccer if you get any. I bet it is a hoot and probaby a great way to get some laughs during this tough time! We keep praying for you guys and glad to read all the updates.
