Thursday, September 17, 2009


Tuesday was the day of appointments for the family. Jett had 3 and Jace had 1. It was a long day but nice to get them all out of the way. Jett is doing fine, he is sounding a bit more congested with some yellow green mucus so he is back on antibiotics. I dont think we will ever get rid of c-diff because just as we get it under control, he is put back on more anitbiotics. He is tolerating his feeds well but we still have a long way to go until he can be off the IV nutrients.

Pj and I are exhausted beyond belief. We joked because we had a babysitter for Jett tonight and discussed getting a hotel room so we could catch up on sleep. We went to dinner instead but we could barely keep our heads off the table. Jett sleeps very poor lately...not really sure why. The day is just too busy to catch up on sleep. He gets a minimum of 9 breathing treatments a day, has 12 meds to be given in his Gtube, not to mention the 4 feedings thru the Gtube, the dressing changes and the central line and the nutrients that run through it. Pj has gone back to work and I dread those evenings by myself. I usually go to my parents although packing up all of the necessities is a chore in itself!

I'm not complaining though b/c it's all worth it to have him home! Hopefully soon we can start eliminating some of the regimen as he tolerates more and more feeds.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!

Liz and fam....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Again this is Nana..

Well...what a blessing today was! Jace celebrated his 4th birthday with Mom, Dad, AND Jett...Everyone at home! Jett came home yesterday evening from the hospital. Last night was a little difficult with Jett waking and stirring a lot during the night. Per Liz, he was a little fussy during the day but when Nana and Pop and Beema and Ampa came to celebrate Jace's birthday, Jett was a pretty happy camper. I took a few pictures of the birthday boy Jace and of Jett. Hope you enjoy them! The last 2 days have really been big days for the family.
Sorry the pics are not so good. The camera has died and the phone doesn't work all that well!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Nana again.... Liz asked that I post a couple of pictures taken with my phone. They are not very clear and Jett was very sleepy and ready for a nap but I told her I would post them.

Jace will be having his big 4th birthday on Wednesday. We are hoping the whole Socie family will be able to celebrate at home together!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Jett was moved to a step down unit

Jett has continued to make baby steps. He's tolerating more and more milk but still not enough to get off the IV nutrients. He has been moved out of the intensive care unit to a regular pediatric floor. The doctors believe we can probably take him home mid week next week. He is such a sweet baby I cannot imagine how happy he will be to get a goodnight sleep at home. He is woke up quite frequesntly. This morning for example at 4am lights were turned on, he was undressed and weighed. Good news is he has begun to gain weight again.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hello again...Nana here. Liz and PJ are so busy 24/7 at the hospital it is difficult for them to have the time to put updates on the blog. So I will try to give you some of the news. Jett was introduced to pedialyte early last week and did fine with it. They started very slowly with just 5 cc's every hour. They eventually increased him to 10 cc which he tolerated well. Finally late last week Jett was able to pass mucus and pedialyte all the way through the intestines!!! This was huge! The doctors started him on breast milk very slowly and he is now receiving a little over an ounce of breast milk via the gtube if he will not take it by bottle. Most of what is passing through is breast milk and it does not appear much of it is being absorbed. Jett is loosing weight so the doctors have order enzymes that we hope will help him absorb what little milk he is getting. He is still on TPN (i.v. nutrients) but it is being reduced as milk is increased. The special TNP has arrived from Germany and is being used but no report yet if it has helped his liver.

Bad news is that Jett has tested positive for cdiff again. No treatment for it so far. He does not seem to be in pain. Still no idea when Jett will get to go home again. He is doing lots of "5 month old things". He has given Liz a few belly laughs the last few days. Believe me, it warms Mommy and Daddy's hearts. They are such amazing parents....

Jace has been VERY busy going to school on Tuesday and Thursday morning. When asked if he likes school, you get NO response. If you ask what did you do today in school you get "Nusing"(nothing). Yesterday as Jace and I were having our lunch together, Jace shouted out "days of the week". The lightbulb went off and he remembered they were learning the days of the week. The look on his face was priceless... He makes me smile. He is very understanding about Jett being a sick baby. He is very accepting (most of the time) that Mom and Dad have to spend lots of time at the hospital. He gets to stay with Grandpa and Grandma Socie or Pop and Nana a lot of the time. He is always a pleasure.

We are prayerful that the enzymes will help Jett and that he will be aloowed to come home soon.
Everyone's prayers and thoughts are VERY apprecitated. Please continue them.